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FAQ Contents:

       How can I quickly and conveniently write Peoplese punctuation marks on a computer with MS Windows?

       Why is there a ® by the word "Peoplese" on the home page?

       How do I use the gratis Peoplese MS Word spellcheck feature?  (click on link)

       To what languages are Peoplese indebted?

       Why isn't my language among the translations?

       Why doesn't Peoplese consider Europe a continent, the Mediterranean a Sea, etc.?

       Where can we view a sample of Peoplese writting?

       What is the origin of Peoplese language?

How can I quickly and conveniently write Peoplese punctuation marks on a computer with MS Windows?

            First create each Peoplese punctuation mark (mid-dot, hyphenet-et, and lines over the long vowels),
                        then create macros so that by simultaneously pressing 2 keys, the mark will appear.

            To create a mid-dot, type U+00b7 and press Alt X (hold down the Alt key while typing X).  A mid-dot will appear.

            To create a hyphen-et, type U+06d4 and press Alt X. A short hyphen will appear.
                        Note:   If you are using MS Windows XP or later, the Unicode (U+...) numbers are already installed.
                                    If you are using another operating system that does not have Unicode numbers pre-installed,
                                            you can download the Unicode fonts gratis from the Internet.

             How to substitute this process by simultaneously pressing two keys. 
                        For example, Alt-m to create a mid-dot, Alt-h to create a hypen-ette.
                        To faciilate the process you must create a macro. To create a macro for a mid-dot: in MS Word:
                                    In MS Word 2003 and later, on top row press View, then select Macros.
                                    Press "record macro".  Press "keyboard".  
                                    In the "Press new shortcut key" dialog box, hold down the Alt key and type m (or any letter you want).
                                    Press "assign", then "close".  Type U+2219 and press Alt X.  (U+2219 is the Unicode # for a mid-dot.) 
                                    Go to the top of the screen, press View, then Macro, then "stop recording macro".
                                    From then on, every time you press Alt m, the mid-dot will appear.
                        Similarly create a macro to substitute, for example Alt h, for a hyphen-et.  Use U+06d4 instead of U+2219.
                        For other MS Office products, and most other common software, the process is similar.
                                    Check the "help" section for "macros", and follow instructions.

            To create long vowels overhead lines, type the unicode number and press Alt X, as above, then create macros.

ā U+0101 Alt x Alt a   Ā U+0100 Alt x Alt-Shift a
ē  U+0113, Alt x Alt e   Ē  U+0112, Alt x Alt-shift e
ī  U+012B, Alt x Alt i   Ī  U+012A, Alt x Alt-shift i
ō  U+014D, Alt x Alt o   Ō  U+014C, Alt x Alt-shift o
ū U+016B, Alt x Alt  u   Ū  U+016A, Alt x Alt-shift u

                      Create macros for each one of these accented letters - per instructions directly above.
                                   We recommend the above macros key squences, because they are simple and intuitive.
                                   Thus, for an accented "a", type "a" as usual but while holding down the "alt" key, etc.

                       Once the macros are set up, typing Peoplese punctuation marks will soon become automatic.

           Verb suffixes are most quickly added with macros.  Same procedure as above.
                       Adding -d for any root verb forms the past tense. 
                                   Type U+06d4 and press Alt X. A short hyphen will appear.  Then type "d".
                                   Write a macro (Alt g recommended), so that when you press Alt and g, -d appears.
                       Adding -ing for any root verb forms a gerund. 
                                   Type U+06d4 and press Alt X. A short hyphen will appear.  Then type "ing".
                                   Write a macro (Alt v recommended), so that when you type "Alt v", -ing appears.

           Download (gratis) the normal.dotm file, which incorporates all of the above changes.
                       To utilize this file, go to directory:  [your user name] / AppData / roaming / microsoft / templates.
                       Save your existing "normal.dotm" file as "normal-copy.dotm"
                       Change the name of the downloaded file to:  normal.dotm
                       (If you ever want to stop using the Peoplese normal file, add "peoplese" to its name,
                                then change your original normal.dotm file back to:  normal.dotm)

Why is there an ® by the word "Peoplese" on the home page?
   The name "Peoplese" is a registered trademark by the United State Patent Trademark Office (USPTO),
                         and by the government trademark agencies of the European Union, China, and India.
              (No other language name has ever been trademarked anywhere.)
              Applications are in progress to trademark the language name in various other regions.

To what languages are Peoplese indebted?
         English:  most vocabulary, most grammar. 
              Chinese:  root-word structure; grammar simplicity; mid-dot words; elimination of homonyms by combining two synonyms into a single word; some vocabulary (ta, chun, Taiyang, Yueliang, etc.)
              Spanish:  spelled as it sounds; regularized system of knowing which syllable to stress; formal and familiar pronouns; rolled "r".  (A few other languages also share these features.)
              Brazilian Portuguese:  fala cantando, the singsong way of pronouncing sentences.
              French:  inspiration as the world's most beautifully sounding language; soft "j" sound.            

Why isn't my language among the translations?
              Peoplese staff are translating (or have translated) the website into the most popular languages.  Volunteers are welcome to translate the website to any language, and after checking their translations, we may link them to this official Peoplese website.

A continent is defined in Peoplese as a gigantic land mass surrounded by water,
so Europe, despite its immense contribution to civilization and language, is a mega-peninsula.  A gulf is defined as a body of salt water almost but not quite surrounded by land.  All Peoplese geograhical designations concur with satellite imagery; clear, intuitive geographical definitions are listed on this website.  But nothing is stopping Europeans from teaching their children that their land mass is a continent, or even a planet, and that their gulf is a sea or even an ocean.  As for the other billions people on Earth, there is no reason they must memorize illogicalities.
               Because the amazing Europeans were the first to explore our planet, place names (such as Near East) were naturally European-centered, and often named after European explorers.  Centuries later, a global language requires a global perspective, including respect for ethnic-based place-names.
               Europe spends disproportionate time and money on learning languages, to the extent of being at an economic disadvantage.  Understandably, for historical and cultural reasons, Europeans prefer not to speak English, but a solution looms.  Peoplese is not American.

Can we view a sample of Peoplese writing?
  Yes.  Click on the 'Spelling' orange tab at the top of this page, scroll down, and you will see English and both versions of Peoplese spelling.

What is the origin of Peoplese language?
Peoplese is the result of a collective project by specialists over 40 years from Philippines, England, Spain, China, Cambodia, Thailand, Russia, Jordan, India, and USA.  Principle to the effort was the work of lexicographer Razel Rodis.
              Read, "Origin of Peoplese Language", written in Peoplese with both Alike English and Sound Spell Same spelling.

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